Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire - Jennifer Lee
Natalie Allen
@allennatalieSan Francisco, CA
Natalie Allen is currently a professional dancer in the Los Angeles area. After graduating from the University of Arizona in 2018 with a BFA in Dance and a BA in Communication with a Minor in French Art and Culture, she moved to LA to pursue her dreams of performing professionally. Born and raised in Lafayette, LA., Natalie has always had a passion for movement. She started dancing competitively at a very young age and continued throughout her high school career. Constantly challenging herself through dance is how she developed the competitive, motivational spirit she brings into her PLATEFIT classes now. She loves challenging people to push themselves beyond what they think their bodies can do!
Platefit move
single leg jumps
Platefit class
3 unknown facts
- I love to cook (I make a pretty rockin’ Gumbo ?
- My life will be complete once I dance for Celine Dion
- My day isn’t complete without chocolate or ice cream
Favorite mix